January 28, 2019

Wee Musher

Winner - Kid & Mutt race. Winterdance Dog Sled Derby, Haliburton, ON, Canada January 2007

Photo taken by Lyn Winans (Canada)
January 29, 2019

4 days old greets sister

It is a picture of my grandchildren, taken March 3 in Brazil where the baby boy was born February 27, 2015

Photo taken by Rudy Paas (Canada)
January 30, 2019

Perfecting the Snowman

This was taken in after a rare snowfall for North Carolina. This was my children's first real snow experience. 

Photo taken by Mark Fredrickson (United States)
January 31, 2019

Kirsten Buhay- Airborne!

This picture captures the joy of a 5 year old as she is sledding down a hill. Pix taken in Colorado- March 2013.

Photo taken by Rene Buhay (United States)
February 1, 2019


I love this shot of my son while we were on vacation. He often humors me while I take pictures. Evergreen, Colorado. He is my son.

Photo taken by Maggie Crail (United States)
February 2, 2019


This photo was taken last summer during our 10 day vacation at Winnipeg. It was really nice to see the children together again after 8 years. They became closer and are all looking forward to see each other again.

Photo taken by Lyndon J. Lacambacal (United States)
February 3, 2019

In the Potters Hands

This was a special shot in natural light taken at Skansen Craft Village outside Stockholm Sweden, 1984. The lighting of the scene was magical and I took it with a Minolta x-700 on Kodachrome 25 with out flash! The work of the potter was awe inspiring as this little child seems to be comletely drawn into his process. The spiritual principal this shot reflects speaks of a Father teaching his children his ways. Very skilled molding is going on here! And as the child face portrays, it is a wonderous thing indeed!

Photo taken by William R. Calhoun (United States)
February 4, 2019


Between Cross Country ski runs...

Photo taken by John Ruttenberg (United States)
February 5, 2019

Back Streets

True love in 2012 :)

Photo taken by Tressie Davis (United States)
February 6, 2019


A mother and son share a great smile and laugh by the Potomac river in Maryland.

Photo taken by Damon Fernandes (United States)
February 7, 2019

Unconditional Love

It was my son Jerrel Jr. First baseball game. 

Photo taken by Jerrel Glasper (United States)
February 8, 2019

Isaac and mommy

Every night we read a couple of books to Isaac before bed.  I love this time of day we get to snuggle him! 

Photo taken by Levi Scott (United States)
February 9, 2019

My Own Little Freedom

What you see is my wife flying a kite. This photo has enormous value for me because it resembles the true spirit of my loved ones, colorful and bright soul. I took this photo at the mountain nearby Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, at very high altitude. Both of us enjoyed the photos but were thrilled about this particular one.

Photo taken by Amer Kapetanovic (Bosnia & Herzegovina)
February 11, 2019

Saint idesbald

With my love in Saint idesbald in belgium. 

Photo taken by Noemie wonder (France)
February 12, 2019

True Love...

This picture is very special to me because it was taken right before my nephew Thomas was sent out to Iraq for the second time. It was taken last Fall for he and his wife's engagement pictures.

Photo taken by Heather Richards (United States)
February 13, 2019

First Love

Just wanted to make sure she makes it home alright.

Photo taken by Paulette (United States)
February 14, 2019


Connections between people is the reason I love to take pictures! I love the connection of this couple, and the shadow and light sets the mood.

Photo taken by Cindy Harter (United States)
February 15, 2019

Best friends

My son got a puppy for valentines day.. he cried as he opened the huge box that the puppy jumped out of.

Photo taken by linda Terranova (United States)
February 16, 2019


This picture was taken on the beaches of Florida, with REAL FILM, not a digital camera!  It was a spontaneous shot caught by my mom, Juanita Zachary!  You can tell by the way he is looking at me how adoring he is of of me and I am in the most complete state of joy!  This is the phase in our lives we were in as well, I was just about to move to Nashville to be with him, and we were both in this constant state of splendor, we were walking on air!  To have that captured on film is so amazing to us!!!!

Photo taken by Juanita Zachary (United States)
February 17, 2019

the joy of my life

my children, the joy of my life

Photo taken by Gieny Westra (Netherlands)
February 18, 2019

Diaper Duet

These are my two youngest grandsons ages 14 & 16 months old. They were having fun playing my piano a couple of weeks ago. I especially like the way the diaper is showing.

Photo taken by Anita Hogue (United States)
February 19, 2019

Let it snow, let it snow, somewhere else!

Emalee Powers, age 2, was totally unimpressed by a Columbus, Ohio snowstorm.  Maybe that's why she enjoys living in Florida now as an 11 year old. 

Photo by her mom, Anne Mills Powers, submitted by grandma Kay Mills

Photo taken by Anne Mills Powers (United States)
February 20, 2019


My daughter Kyra (pictured) was the "idea person" and editor of this shot. Kodak.com has featured my photos of her since she was a little girl, but now she's a senior and the creative spark behind many of our shots.

Photo taken by Joy Cobb (United States)
February 21, 2019

Building a hut

This kid is involved in helping build a hut during the Festa Natura nature festival.

Photo taken by Jos Hebben (Netherlands)
February 22, 2019

Amelia learning hopscotch

My granddaughter, 3 years old, in my driveway, just taught her hopscotch

Photo taken by Dorothy Buchinger (United States)
February 23, 2019


I took this picture March 2008 before Easter after the egg hunt. I just liked the spiraling composition.

Photo taken by Jeremy Reed (United States)
February 24, 2019

Sweet Angel

This is my sweet princess. Taken March 2016. My daughter and I were painting princess pictures and I had to take a picture of her beautiful face.

Photo taken by Robin (United States)
February 25, 2019

Love and Laughter

I found this picture of my parents in a box of old photos. It so perfectly captures their relationship then, as newlyweds, and throughout their fifty plus year marriage - love, laughter and joy in being with each other. I can only assume another family member took the shot, perhaps one of my Dad's brothers, shortly after my father's discharge from the army in 1946, at Brighton Beach in Brooklyn, NY.

Photo taken by Dory Marcus (United States)
February 26, 2019

Flirting After The Marriage

My nephew & his wife were married in May 2007, in Maui. During a formal photo session on the beach, the rain came down and so did the pre-planned poses... This captures the spontaneous fun-side of being in love! This is what family is about to me, making more cherished memories.

Photo taken by Alice Hainsworth (United States)
February 27, 2019

Real Life... Captured

I love the expressions, especially of the baby. I took this in my garage-on the floor with blankets and a black backdrop, so the lighting is all natural. It was taken in July 2007.

Photo taken by Megan Peck (United States)
February 28, 2019

Ambition's a Size Too Big

Taken at our local skate park. These little guys were watching the older kids skate and looking a little scared.

Photo taken by Dawn Sanders (United States)
March 1, 2019

Lightening Child

A young girl shows me how to draw lightening in a small school in North Carolina.

Photo taken by Sadie Cook (United States)
March 2, 2019

Little Photographer

This is the first camera I purchased almost 10 years ago. My kids are into photography now and my youngest claimed this camera early spring this year. He has not put it down since. Nothing makes him happier than his Kodak camera in hand and capturing the world around him. I will be sharing more of his work from his camera soon. Hope this makes someone smile.

Photo taken by Irene Wesee (United States)
March 3, 2019

Going to Ground

Taken at Colleges Gaelic Football match in Sligo, Ireland during a tense moment during an exciting semi-final game in February. Combining elements of rugby, soccer and "Australian rules' football, this Kodak Moment provides a current look at an ancient game that can be traced to the early 14th century.

Photo taken by Tom Callanan (United States)
March 4, 2019

Auroras Birth





Photo taken by Maria Mayoral (United States)
March 5, 2019

Swim Buddies

Tonights the night that my swim buddy's hard work will payoff.  Final swim meet of the indoor season.

Photo taken by Sheldon Buytenhuys (United States)
March 6, 2019

Nonstop music in Cuba!

Isn?t this a million-dollar smile?! A group of us visiting Cuba were on our way from Trinidad to Havana and stopped at a roadside lunch area. This fellow was part of one of the many excellent bands that seem to be on every corner in Cuba!

Photo taken by Eileen Ekinaka (United States)
March 7, 2019

My Little Admirer

Capturing moments with my great nephew

Photo taken by Wendy Stewart (United States)
March 8, 2019

I can do this


our grandson got a puzzle on his 3rd birthday, which he immediately started to put together

Photo taken by Gieny Westra (Netherlands)
March 9, 2019

A Moment of Rest

I took this candid picture of my daughter and a friend's dog -- who were both resting after a few "hours" of play during the holidays.

Photo taken by Ted Savas (United States)
March 10, 2019

Pooie on You!

I just love the expression on his face. From "pooie on you" to laughing. This is my grandson, and I got a whole series of great expressions of him on that day. Taken last March in his dining area. He was 1 1/2 yrs old at the time.

Photo taken by Dixie L Crouch (United States)
March 11, 2019

Time for My Close Up

I was testing my camera the other day and my daughter volunteered to be my "subject". I took this close up of her with her favorite stuffed animal and I just adore the way her eyes look in this photo.

Photo taken by Lyndsay Daniels (United States)
March 12, 2019


This is a quirky photo of my husband and myself on holiday in France. We could not get an English-speaking person to take our picture, so we decided to take a selfie . . and it came out great! It was taken at one of the many cobble stoned villages in the Provencial south.

Photo taken by Pearl Chan (Singapore)
March 13, 2019

The Haircut

It is a once a month Saturday ritual - Dad and Son go to the barber for a haircut. This was the first time that my four-year old sat in the chair by himself. You can see he was a bit unsure of the whole thing!

Photo taken by Andy Williams (United States)
March 14, 2019

Wings Over Notre Dame

I took this photograph of my husband and daughter when we were visiting Paris. It was taken in front of the Notre Dame and the bells were chiming when I took this photo of them feeding birds. What a moment!

Photo taken by Nancy Amandi (United States)
March 15, 2019

Boys will be boys...

My son Rhett is very affectionate and wants to hug everyone, if they want to or not! His victim here -- a very special young neighbor of ours. I love the honest expressions and interaction in this photo. Among those that I have taken, it's one of my favorites! I used Kodak 200 print film on full auto in my Canon Elan IIe SLR.

Photo taken by Erin Ortmann (United States)
March 16, 2019

Peanut Butter Anyone?

This is a picture of my son, Jeremy, the day after we visited a local festival. He won his 'eye glasses' playing a game. In the morning he also wanted peanut butter on his waffles.

Photo taken by Jeff DeMuth (United States)
March 17, 2019


Beautiful Irish landscape in a typical weather.

Photo taken by Tom Kral (United States)
March 18, 2019


Just two pals! I love how I got them both looking at the camera the same time.

Photo taken by Amy M. Vanlue (United States)
March 19, 2019

A Teaching Moment

This was taken on the Hudson River near Barrytown, NY during this unusually cold winter. Ice boats from the Hudson River Ice Yacht Club were sailing up and down 20 miles of the river giving rides to the hundreds of people who ventured out there.

Photo taken by Carl Gutowski (United States)
March 20, 2019

Holi in snow

It doesn't happen very often. Celebrating Holi Hindu Festival of Colour in snowing London.

Photo taken by Andrius Laucius (United Kingdom)
March 21, 2019

Spring in the Air

These little girls portray the season splendidly at the sun perdition.

Photo taken by Johan Westra (Netherlands)
March 22, 2019

Look what I see....

My wife and I were in Guangdong China, adopting our daughter. We were visiting a country side village and these two girls were following our group. Our guide said that it may have been the first time that they had seen Americans.

Photo taken by Dave Horton (China)
March 23, 2019

Light Work

This was taken in a North Alabama cave this past spring. My friend here is spinning burning steel wool which is making the sparks. I loved the combination of the natural light beams coming from an opening & the sparks.

Photo taken by Joe Miller (United States)
March 24, 2019

kyle sulking

my nephew having a sulk because we wouldnt go the direction he wanted in virgina waters just outside ascot may 2010

Photo taken by gary whitehead (United Kingdom)
March 25, 2019

Best Friends

Hadley and Amira are celebrating spring at the park after a very long winter.

Photo taken by Nikki Ave-Lallemant (United States)
March 26, 2019

Kids of Satkhira

Happy kids of Satkhira.

Photo taken by M A Zubair (Bangladesh)
March 28, 2019

Cante, Baile, Celebre!

Cante, Baile, Celebre! translates to Sing, Dance, Celebrate! From 1 lbs. 11 oz. (and 50% chance of surviving) at birth, to 21 lbs. 24 months later, Isabella celebrates life. The picture reminds my family and I to sing and dance like no one is watching and to savor each day.

Photo taken by Lydia Sanchez-Roat (United States)
Wee Musher
January 28, 2019
4 days old greets sister
January 29, 2019
Perfecting the Snowman
January 30, 2019
Kirsten Buhay- Airborne!
January 31, 2019
February 1, 2019
February 2, 2019
In the Potters Hands
February 3, 2019
February 4, 2019
Back Streets
February 5, 2019
February 6, 2019
Unconditional Love
February 7, 2019
 Isaac and mommy
February 8, 2019
My Own Little Freedom
February 9, 2019
Saint idesbald
February 11, 2019
True Love...
February 12, 2019
First Love
February 13, 2019
February 14, 2019
Best friends
February 15, 2019
February 16, 2019
the joy of my life
February 17, 2019
Diaper Duet
February 18, 2019
Let it snow, let it snow, somewhere else!
February 19, 2019
February 20, 2019
Building a hut
February 21, 2019
Amelia learning hopscotch
February 22, 2019
February 23, 2019
Sweet Angel
February 24, 2019
Love and Laughter
February 25, 2019
Flirting After The Marriage
February 26, 2019
Real Life... Captured
February 27, 2019
Ambition's a Size Too Big
February 28, 2019
Lightening Child
March 1, 2019
Little Photographer
March 2, 2019
Going to Ground
March 3, 2019
Auroras Birth
March 4, 2019
Swim Buddies
March 5, 2019
Nonstop music in Cuba!
March 6, 2019
My Little Admirer
March 7, 2019
I can do this
March 8, 2019
A Moment of Rest
March 9, 2019
Pooie on You!
March 10, 2019
Time for My Close Up
March 11, 2019
March 12, 2019
The Haircut
March 13, 2019
Wings Over Notre Dame
March 14, 2019
Boys will be boys...
March 15, 2019
Peanut Butter Anyone?
March 16, 2019
March 17, 2019
March 18, 2019
A Teaching Moment
March 19, 2019
Holi in snow
March 20, 2019
Spring in the Air
March 21, 2019
Look what I see....
March 22, 2019
Light Work
March 23, 2019
kyle sulking
March 24, 2019
Best Friends
March 25, 2019
Kids of Satkhira
March 26, 2019
Cante, Baile, Celebre!
March 28, 2019