March 26, 2019

Kids of Satkhira

Happy kids of Satkhira.

Photo taken by M A Zubair (Bangladesh)
March 28, 2019

Cante, Baile, Celebre!

Cante, Baile, Celebre! translates to Sing, Dance, Celebrate! From 1 lbs. 11 oz. (and 50% chance of surviving) at birth, to 21 lbs. 24 months later, Isabella celebrates life. The picture reminds my family and I to sing and dance like no one is watching and to savor each day.

Photo taken by Lydia Sanchez-Roat (United States)
March 29, 2019

Jones Beach

I took this photo of my daughter & son at Jones Beach on Long Island. I thought it captured a sweet moment between siblings & the joy/novelty of being at the beach in April (after a long western NY winter).

Photo taken by Aimee Whalen (United States)
March 30, 2019


The connection between a child and a parent is fading more and more in a time where everybody is so busy, and especially in a city like London that never stops. This Photograph represent that sweet time that a kid have when the mum is around him, it shows happiness and human connection. It was taken in a little french cafe in Clapham North in a sunny spring day. I guess the subject itself strictly relates to the theme.

Photo taken by Marta De Ferrari (United Kingdom)
March 31, 2019

Sahara Sunrise

As the sun rose on the Moroccan desert, we hiked to the top of the dunes. As we got the the top, I reached into my pocket, pulled out the point and shoot, and snapped one of the most spontaneous shots I have ever taken. The result was this unexpected shot.

Photo taken by Hank Rao (United States)
April 1, 2019

Learning to Drive

Isaiah is a TDI Therapy Dog. Joke is that he won't need me to bring him to his Volunteer work when he learns to drive. Taken recently near Schuylerville, NY. He is also my beloved pet.

Photo taken by Jim Knapp (United States)
April 2, 2019

Field of Dreams

I'm a stay at home mom and have never taken a photography class, but I love capturing those little moments of my children playing with the beauty of nature. I took this photo last April on a horse trail in southern California. I am so grateful I will always have this photo to look back on whenever I want to relive the smells of that afternoon...

Photo taken by Changwei (United States)
April 3, 2019

Waitin' on Spring

This is my daughter at the park near our house. We are enjoying the spring like weather that came a few weeks early. 

Photo taken by Sarah K Downey (United States)
April 4, 2019


Two friends enjoying their walk through the covered bridge. 

Photo taken by Gloria S Johnson (United States)
April 5, 2019


I love how this picture captures the playfulness and dizziness of growing up. It was taken in Japan, late April of 2005. It feels like childhood, and captures a special moment with my family.

Photo taken by Gladys Funk (Canada)
April 6, 2019

Chinese checkers

While walking along in Beijing, China I saw Chinese citizens playing checkers. Both players were intent on winning. I could feel the tension in the game. Photo taken in Beijing, China in October 2013.

Photo taken by Tony R. Wagstaff (Canada)
April 7, 2019


My son overlooking Macchu Picchu mountain in Peru. He appears "On top of the world". It was a once in a life time trip my son to a mystic site.

Photo taken by Paula Coopwood (United States)
April 8, 2019

Done for the Day

I took this photo in April 2007, and it means a lot to me. It relates to the theme because it is a photo of Lila at 11 months old.

Photo taken by Amelia Herning (United Kingdom)
April 9, 2019

my little bakers

' my little bakers ' 


when you have mom and dad as chefs .. got to start them young :) 

Photo taken by No (Germany)
April 10, 2019

Me and My Shadow

Megan is five. Jake is five. Jake walked before Megan. Megan learned how to walk by following Jake. Jake learned how to give a paw, Megan learned how to blow a kiss. Jake learned how to bark, Megan learned how to say Mommy. Jake never learned how to brush his hair, so Megan did it for him for Nanny's 77th birthday bash. Megan and Jake are best buds.

Photo taken by Thomas Barden (United States)
April 11, 2019

Playing time

Children from myanmar are playing on the road side.

Photo taken by moe swe (Myanmar (Burma))
April 12, 2019

Mt. Ellinor

Overlooking Lake Cushman. 

Photo taken by Ricardo Evangelista (United States)
April 13, 2019

And we're racing.....

My husband Grant (no:252) is pictured here, finally making it into the pack - after always coming last, or nearly last - he's trained and practiced so hard this year, not just with the bike, but fitness training, weightloss and nutrition - and I'm very proud to see him succeed finally. He's 51 this year and has no intention of slowing down. It was taken in Bega, NSW on Sunday 27th April 2014. It fits into 'Event' as it's a moment in time when he's been captured succeeding at something he loves.

Photo taken by Sue Rennett (Australia)
April 14, 2019

Moonbow at Yosemite Falls

For a few days in April and May when the moon is full it hits the mist from Lower Yosemite Fall and creates an rainbow, see stars above the falls. This phenomenon only occurs regularly in 4 areas in the world (Cumberland Ky, Yosemite CA, Victoria Falls Zambia and in Costa Rica)

Photo taken by steven shpall (United States)
April 16, 2019

The Montenegro mountains

This picture is special for me because this is the most beatiful view i have ever see and it happened in my best vacation. It was taken a month ago in Montenegro mountains near Lovcen park. It is a beautiful sunset in a very beutiful park.

Photo taken by Alexandra gerovich (Israel)
April 17, 2019

Invasion of the Peeps!!

Having fun making a Easter card.

Photo taken by Julie Christiansen (United States)
April 18, 2019

Favorite Place on Earth

We recently visited my parents for a short vacation and took my children to the beach in Corpus Christi. This picture shows how excited my kids were at experiencing something new--chasing the waves back to the ocean; feeding the seagulls; building sandcastles. This was a FABULOUS day for all of us, and the sandy mess in the car--not a problem. It didn't bother me in the least because we were all (my parents and children and myself) had an unforgettable day at the beach!

Photo taken by Georgianna Hildebrand (United States)
April 19, 2019

Being Silly

This photo is an outtake from me trying to take my kids Easter photos. They were having a great time just being silly. I especially love the way my son is looking at his big sister. The bond between them is something special.

Photo taken by Lyndsay Daniels (United States)
April 20, 2019

All that for ME?????????

Image taken of grandaughter's reaction to her first Easter basket! Taken this year (2013)

Photo taken by Laurie Jean Houck (United States)
April 21, 2019

Easter Sunday

This is a picture of my daughter, Emily. She was all dressed up for Easter Sunday, and it was raining. She was eager to go outside, and I captured this moment as she looked out the window.

Photo taken by Darcey Salwak (United States)
April 22, 2019

Light Bearer

This picture is special to me because it portrays the purpose of my life: to bear light and spread it among the inhabitants of Earth. I took this picture during a road trip in central Washington a few weeks ago.

Photo taken by Vera Wilde (Canada)
April 23, 2019

Jumping at the Beach

Good memories at the beach. It was taken in Juan Dolio, Dominican Republic during some vacation days. Isn't he enjoying it?

Photo taken by Salvador Gomez Dickson (Dominican Republic)
April 24, 2019

Vuittona shining bright

Arrived at the party!

Photo taken by Mommy (United States)
April 25, 2019

Misty start in Montfort (The Netherlands)

Misty start in Montfort (The Netherlands) with sunbeams en bicycles.

Photo taken by Thieu Smeets (Netherlands)
April 26, 2019

great sadness

one of my three grandsons does not want to be on a picture!

Photo taken by Gieny Westra (Netherlands)
April 27, 2019

After the Ride

This picture was taken in Temecula wine country, CA, USA, right after I landed on the ground from that same balloon in the picture. The picture shows that a lot of hard-work goes into a 45 minutes of fun-packed balloon ride. Many people only think of the fun part of flying... however, there is still the hard work before and after take-off, as shown in the picture. This is a special photo to me, as I believe I captured a very cool moment, with lots of information, which brings back fun memories of the ride each time I look at it.

Photo taken by Vahe Shahinian (United States)
April 28, 2019

Long Beach Sunset

We have had some beautiful sunsets here on Long Island recently. Here is one from Long Beach

Photo taken by Bob Menak (United States)
April 29, 2019

So Exhausting

A picture of my granddaughter, a perfect little tinkerbell, taken on a beautiful spring day!

Photo taken by Tawnya McVicker (United States)
April 30, 2019

Outdoor Photo Adventure

My four year old son asked me, "can I take photos like you mommy?" So I gave him my old Kodak camera, and we set off in the backyard on a "safari"... He had a great time and I took photos of him as he took photos of bugs, clouds, trees, and grass.

Photo taken by Tara Carollo (United States)
May 1, 2019

Nanna & Thea

The first moment I met my first grandbaby, breathtaking moments you want to hold in your heart forever.

Photo taken by Aunt Maddie (United States)
May 2, 2019


It warms a mothers heart to see her children getting along. It is priceless to be able to capture that Kodak moment to look back on in the years to come ( or 5 minutes later when they are arguing LOL!)

Photo taken by Anna Asselta (United States)
May 3, 2019

Lovely moment

I like to click her all day. This picture is one out of all those and very close to my heart . Loved this moment #Kodakmoments

Photo taken by Pallavi (Canada)
May 4, 2019


Thank you @saintjacfilm for sharing your #KodakMoment is make us dream of sun, warmth, and California.


Photo taken by @saintjacfilm (United States)
May 5, 2019

Mandalay sunrise

early moening before sunrise in Mandalay Myanmar. 

Photo taken by Jeff Landman (United States)
May 6, 2019

A mother is...

”Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn’t know you had, and dealing with fears you didn’t know existed.”-Linda Wooten

Photo taken by Misael Contreras (United States)
May 7, 2019

Baby Love

This picture shows the love of the baby to the mom. I think it's very rare to see this face in a baby - this face I usually see in older children.

Photo taken by Shay Wieder (Israel)
May 8, 2019

mother and son

smiles and smiles

Photo taken by Damon Fernandes (United States)
May 9, 2019

You are Precious

Here my daughter , Renee, is trying to show how precious her mother is to her .... The feeling is just mutual darling!

Photo taken by Benjamin Andrews (India)
May 10, 2019

Mother's Love

Watching baby Dylan's love for his mommy Amanda was precious. We were at the beach for a long day and he was such a trooper.

Photo taken by Lorraine Cashman (United States)
May 11, 2019

A Kiss for Mommy

This is my great-nephew and his mother on Mother's Day. She wanted me to take some natural pics so she could send some to her mother in South Carolina. When her mother received the picture...she cried!

Photo taken by Lee Ann Stewart (United States)
May 12, 2019

Life gave me the gift of you

The best gift I have ever received was becoming a mother. No matter how tired I am from a long day of work, I always look forward to seeing my precious son. He makes life worthwhile in every single way. I wouldn’t trade being a mother for anything. Cheers to all of the amazing and strong mother’s, because without you, there’s no such thing as pure love. 

Photo taken by Christina Chan (United States)
May 13, 2019


The first time we visited Hawaii. We were exhausted from 12+ of travel but it was so beautiful we couldn’t wipe the smile from our faces. 

#kodakmoments  #bucketlist  #firstmoments

Photo taken by Rosemary Gerhard Darrow (United States)
May 14, 2019

Dance like no one's watching

I hope you dance. My son and his senior prom 2019. His girlfriend loved how her dress twirled and would spin around like a little girl in a new dress. I LOVE the true laughter shown on her face.

Photo taken by Anna M. Asselta (United States)
May 15, 2019

The first visit

This picture is when my daughter first time met her baby brother in hospital...That expression of happiness and warmth in her face is always going to be my best memory.

Photo taken by Shikha (Canada)
May 16, 2019

Mi Amor

A friend of my boyfriend took us by surprise while we were on our trip to the jungle. While hiking to get to the waterfalls, he took this beautiful moment. All those itches from mosquitoes and tiredness were worth it while watching my favorite pic -- with my love.

Photo taken by Javier Becerra (Peru)
May 17, 2019

Desert Safari Team Pinoy

This photo was taken during our Desert Safari family trip in Dubai, United Arab Emirates in September 2008. Despite the hot weather, the family pursued our first-ever all-girl adventure trip. Through this photo, we were able to capture the moment, that is, human excitement and nature combined.

Photo taken by Maan Baribar (Philippines)
May 18, 2019

ok ,sir

when i am busy for lunch.a cat come made up a good frame  its own way.

Photo taken by Tapas Halder (India)
May 19, 2019

Boy In Rwandan Orphanage

This picture was taken on a missions trip to Kigali Rwanda. This boy was in a local orphanage along with 51 kids and 5 adults. Their joy was very inspirational that we should take light in everyday.

Photo taken by Carter Garrison (United States)
May 20, 2019

New York Harbor Boat Tour

This picture was taken on July 4th during my family's vist to New York. While the rest of us were enjoying the sights from the boat, my 4-year-old daughter preferred cooling off in the shade. New York in July was truly hotter than Texas!

Photo taken by Annette (United States)
May 21, 2019

Majestic Gardens

Majestic Garden in Athens

Photo taken by Mike Neary (United States)
May 22, 2019

Hari Raju

After completing his self-motivated challenge 365x50KM where he had rode his bicycle minimum 50KM a day for 365 days or a year without any miss.

Photo taken by Udayan Sankar Pal (India)
May 23, 2019


This is a photograph of my youngest daughter, Daisy, having a whale of a time at the local park last month. She's one crazy little girl and i think this shows her character and spirit in a nutshell.

Photo taken by Catherine Regan (United Kingdom)
May 24, 2019

He's in!

It's May and my grandson is the first one in the pool this year....the water is NOT warm! This is Connecticut for heaven's sake.

Photo taken by Linda A. Casey (United States)
May 25, 2019

I got it! I got it!

I love watching my grandsons play baseball. This was just a day at the ballpark in May. Stopping action is my favorite thing to do.

Photo taken by Peggy Culp (United States)
May 26, 2019


This picture is of one of my best friends. She is a very important figure in my life who works hard and supports me in everything she does. This was taken in May, in a field near my house. I hope all of your wishes come true. :)

Photo taken by Shawn Sheu (United States)
Kids of Satkhira
March 26, 2019
Cante, Baile, Celebre!
March 28, 2019
Jones Beach
March 29, 2019
March 30, 2019
Sahara Sunrise
March 31, 2019
Learning to Drive
April 1, 2019
Field of Dreams
April 2, 2019
Waitin' on Spring
April 3, 2019
April 4, 2019
April 5, 2019
Chinese checkers
April 6, 2019
April 7, 2019
Done for the Day
April 8, 2019
my little bakers
April 9, 2019
Me and My Shadow
April 10, 2019
Playing time
April 11, 2019
Mt. Ellinor
April 12, 2019
And we're racing.....
April 13, 2019
Moonbow at Yosemite Falls
April 14, 2019
The Montenegro mountains
April 16, 2019
Invasion of the Peeps!!
April 17, 2019
Favorite Place on Earth
April 18, 2019
Being Silly
April 19, 2019
All that for ME?????????
April 20, 2019
Easter Sunday
April 21, 2019
Light Bearer
April 22, 2019
Jumping at the Beach
April 23, 2019
Vuittona shining bright
April 24, 2019
Misty start in Montfort (The Netherlands)
April 25, 2019
great sadness
April 26, 2019
After the Ride
April 27, 2019
Long Beach Sunset
April 28, 2019
So Exhausting
April 29, 2019
Outdoor Photo Adventure
April 30, 2019
Nanna & Thea
May 1, 2019
May 2, 2019
Lovely moment
May 3, 2019
May 4, 2019
Mandalay sunrise
May 5, 2019
A mother is...
May 6, 2019
Baby Love
May 7, 2019
mother and son
May 8, 2019
You are Precious
May 9, 2019
Mother's Love
May 10, 2019
A Kiss for Mommy
May 11, 2019
Life gave me the gift of you
May 12, 2019
May 13, 2019
Dance like no one's watching
May 14, 2019
The first visit
May 15, 2019
Mi Amor
May 16, 2019
Desert Safari Team Pinoy
May 17, 2019
ok ,sir
May 18, 2019
Boy In Rwandan Orphanage
May 19, 2019
New York Harbor Boat Tour
May 20, 2019
Majestic Gardens
May 21, 2019
Hari Raju
May 22, 2019
May 23, 2019
He's in!
May 24, 2019
I got it!  I got it!
May 25, 2019
May 26, 2019