January 24, 2021

Wintermood - Unterwegs im Odenwald.

Hi Kodak team,

thank you very much for your offer to share my photo as a Kodak Moment. It is a great honor for me.

Here I am sending the photo you had asked for.

Feel free to share it as you told me in your message.

Wish you a great photo time in 2021!

Photo taken by Kay Müller (Germany)
January 25, 2021

Father and Son Precious Moments

Jayden looks forward to playtime with dad when he gets home from work.

Photo taken by Shekita (Mom) (United States)
January 26, 2021

always golfing

Some complain about the snow and cold but this photo is a reminder you can do what you love, even in the snow :) My son is almost 4 but for his 3rd birthday he asked for a set of golf clubs and hasn’t put them down since - even in our chilly Wisconsin winter!

Photo taken by Katie Schultz (United States)
January 27, 2021

Raced Up The Mountain

I've got a habit of dragging friends up the mountains surrounding Cape Town, for this photograph we raced up Lion's Head to catch the sun before it fell beneath the horizon. 

Photo taken by Freddie Reed (South Africa)
January 28, 2021

Take Me to the Mountains

Enjoyed the long holiday weekend with a trip to the Cascade Mountains for skiing with the family. Our littlest one can’t quite ski yet but loves  to be included in the action via this handy carrier. 

Photo taken by Keri Kono (United States)
January 29, 2021

Buck in a dressing gown after his shower!

Ready to go to bed??

Photo taken by @bucketsespapas (France)
January 30, 2021

Milo et Julien. Saint-Ybars. Janvier 2021.

Milo et Julien. Saint-Ybars. Janvier 2021.

Photo taken by Manon Renard (France)
January 31, 2021

(A)nother cold day on the beach, 2019

Our family outing to the coast involved a walk through the dunes towards the sea, on a very cold and blustery day. Captured using a tripod on a 50+ year old TLR camera using Kodak Portra 400.

Photo taken by Michael Raven (United Kingdom)
February 1, 2021

Winter Wonderland

I have always loved the way that winter looks on film for some reason the grain and snow always comes together perfectly. So after a nice snow fall we headed up to a relatives house north of the city and took some cool winter time photos. This was also my first time home developing and loved every second of bring this and a couple other photos to life. 

Photo taken by Quintin B. Smith (Canada)
February 2, 2021

The Love Hug

The kind of hug that lets you know you’re loved! 

Photo taken by Leslyn Smith/ Eric Molesworth (United States)
February 3, 2021

Sissy by the lake

We were very fortunate to go on vacation this year (socially-distanced, of course!). The little village we went to was probably about 10 miles away from any civilization so we spent a lot of time wandering about and making pictures. This one was taken on a wobbly dock we found one day

Photo taken by Natalia Skoczek (Poland)
February 4, 2021


You are the best thing, i never planned. ? 

Photo taken by Us (Switzerland)
February 5, 2021

Gib me another breakfast or da choklit gets it ???

Just another day of negotiations as the boss of the household!

Photo taken by Saleha Patel (United Kingdom)
February 6, 2021


Chai latte is always a good idea. Especially when shared with your sister. 

Photo taken by Manon Vacher (France)
February 7, 2021

Amore d’altri tempi

Passeggiando per il centro di Milano... una storia d’amore d’altri tempi.

Photo taken by Domenico Cuofano (Italy)
February 8, 2021

"Take the adventure"

We were with friends in banff during the pandemic but at the time in Calgary Canada it just seemed like a moment where everything was "normal". We are a couples page but we just live in the moment a document in the moment 

Photo taken by @fire.onyx (Canada)
February 9, 2021

Lovers delight

I wanted to capture a candid moment of intimacy and joy between two lovers. This picture was taken at an Orange County beach on a cloudy day. 

Photo taken by Blake Lee (United States)
February 10, 2021

A warm moment.

Mother kiss her daughter under the sunset shadow.

Photo taken by Hobby photographer (Australia)
February 11, 2021

You’re kinda,sorta,basically,pretty much,always on my mind ?

i fall in love with every part of you ?

Photo taken by Merel vanlooxke (Belgium)
February 12, 2021

Happiness Is...

The bond between a boy and his dog is truly one of the purist forms of kinship I can think of.  My son and our dog are completely content to let the troubles of the world go as they play catch at our neighborhood  park as the sunsets. 

Photo taken by Jodi Esplin (United States)
February 13, 2021

Always Together

Our feet have taken so many steps together. 

Photo taken by Steven Cannon (United States)
February 14, 2021

J’ai dansé sous les nuages Je suis perdue, la nuit, sans ton amour

I took this photo in Venice, there was a birthday party and we were celebrating in this beautiful terrace! The light was perfect and I wanted to capture this moment. 

Photo taken by Giulia Melendez (Italy)
February 15, 2021

Bro & Sis under the snow

Delicate complicity of my kids happily enjoying the snow at home. It hasn't snowed for years in our town! ❤️

Photo taken by Céline ERRANTE (France)
February 16, 2021

So lucky ??

To have the opportunity to be in such a beautiful and magical place next to the person I love, that’s what I call being lucky. 

Photo taken by Miroslava Segura (Italy)
February 17, 2021

street musician slash tate gallery

The photo was taken in London with my analog camera Minolta X300. It shows two highlights of my visit to London - very talented musicians and the amazing Tate Museum. I created the overlay effect double exposure. 

Photo taken by Lis (Austria)
February 18, 2021

Stone Mountain State Park

A winter hike at Stone Mountain State Park in the upstate of North Carolina.

Photo taken by HD Carolina (United States)
February 19, 2021

The cat that turned me into a cat person!

Just hanging with my sweet boi 

Photo taken by Toni (United States)
February 20, 2021

Live Life Intentionally

Today is my last day of being 25, and I’m so grateful for making it this far. Year 25 was probably one of the best years of my life. I got to go to so many places, climb mountains, grow closer to my wife, get closer to finishing my masters degree, have ups, have downs, drink a lot of coffee, start my photography, venture out in life, and so much more. Who in the world knows what year 26 will look like, but Lord-Willing, I’m determined to make the best of what I’m given, and have some more adventures that I can share later in life one day.

Photo taken by Steven Cannon (United States)
February 21, 2021

It’s a Girl!

Our gender reveal! After a blindfolded paint gun fight, we took off the blind folds to discover we are having a girl!

Photo taken by @rowanberry_lavender (United States)
February 22, 2021


I was hiking alone on snowshoes in the Swiss Alps, surrounded by immaculate snow and pine trees. The atmosphere was calm and serene. While I was on a perched on a higher hill, my eyes were drawn by these two hikers and their shadows. I thought it would make a beautiful black and white picture, so I stopped and took a picture of them while they were in the sunlight. 

Photo taken by Jérôme Klotz (Switzerland)
February 23, 2021

Coast life

Life is an accumulation of moments. Coast life is a moment sitting on the beach watching different characters enjoying another moment. 

San Pancho, Nayarit, México 



Photo taken by Belén Guzmán M. (Mexico)
February 24, 2021

Whose hands are clean?

Whose hands are clean?

Photo taken by Brian Yanez (United States)
February 25, 2021

L’enfant en hiver

10 février 2021 Ne me demandez pas quelle saison je préfère je ne saurais répondre ... Le printemps pour ses fleurs, l’été pour ses glaces, ses douces soirées, son soleil (et mon anniversaire ?), l’automne pour ses couleurs et l’hiver pour sa neige et ses fêtes ✨

Photo taken by Blandinegsn (France)
February 26, 2021

Dog wrapped in blanket

All snuggled in a warm blanket.

Photo taken by Charlie ward (United Kingdom)
February 27, 2021

Tasmania, Australia

This is a photo I took in Tasmania after a few weeks camping in the national park of Freysinet! I shot this photo on Kodak Portra 400. 


Freysinet National Park, Tasmania.

Photo taken by Gabriel Sunol (Australia)
February 28, 2021


Cuando caen los últimos rayos de sol en las mágicas playas de Michoacán México, el cielo se pinta de millones de colores en tan sólo unos pocos segundos, tranformándose ese momento efímero  en uno de los recuerdos más lindos del día. 

Photo taken by Cookie Maestri (Mexico)
March 1, 2021


Me walking in the magnificent landscape of Tatacoa Desert in Colombia 

Photo taken by Marco (United States)
March 2, 2021


A happy day with snow & sun & loved ones. 

Photo taken by Nina Hase (Austria)
March 3, 2021

How I long for yesterday under the stars on Brighton Beach

The title of this moment is a quote from “Brighton Beach” by Rod Stewart, song gear came to my mind immediately when I saw this scene.

“It seems like there is always a couple sitting in this spot, waiting to be part of a photograph” a friend of mine commented, when he saw this shot. It is probably true, and the first time I ever visited Brighton, I did the same. After all, is there anything more calming and fulfilling than sitting on the beach with your loved one, gazing at the sea?

And this moment from my autumn photographic walk around Brighton last September reminded me of that.


Photo taken by Anastasiya Malakhov (United Kingdom)
March 4, 2021

Inner Child

When life is getting a bit dull get out to the great outdoors and find that inner child in you. My daughter and I went to Ben Crom Dam, in the Mourne Mountains, for a bike ride in the rain!! Many people turned when they arrived at this flood in the road. We took it as an opportunity for some fun!! 

Photo taken by ROBERT MCKEE, RBM Photography on Facebook (United Kingdom)
March 5, 2021

Why so serious?

Our little cat Tofik, playing with kids while they are opening their Christmas gifts.

Photo taken by Melike Wicik (Poland)
March 6, 2021


Let’s Continue To Find Beautiful Places To Get Lost Together .?

Photo taken by Damaris Pensamiento (United States)
March 7, 2021

Bask in the Beauty

I was walking along the board walk at Pacifica Beach and I saw a man who was just basking in the beauty of the sea. It was the perfect moment so I just had to capture it.

Photo taken by Kristina Nsuangani (United States)
March 8, 2021

Leyla Forozzan-Far

Be a voice, not an echo 

Photo taken by Lorenzo Pujol (Spain)
March 9, 2021

Montana celebrating Black History Month

My daughter sharing cheerful joy while celebrating black history month. 

Photo taken by April Montana (United States)
March 10, 2021

Beach days on film

Lazy days at the beach 

Photo taken by @livvsfilm (Australia)
March 11, 2021

Strange Trails

If you follow
this strange trail
it will take you
who knows where?

Photo taken by Shelby Coppola (United States)
March 12, 2021


Always together :)

Photo taken by Rob Duell (United States)
March 13, 2021


Dépaysement au lac de Montriond.

Photo taken by Yn_reg (France)
March 14, 2021

Doesn’t get much better than sunsets & puppies

Captured a puppy (dog) while going for a stroll down Castaway beach at sunset.

Photo taken by Michaela Mulder (Australia)
March 15, 2021


When you are trying to take a perfect picture, but nature reminds you that life happens when you let it go. Create your moments and enjoy them to the fullest. BE YOU 

Photo taken by Raisha Rawal (United States)
March 16, 2021

1060m high table mountain hike in Cape Town

The wind was blowing with 26 m/s but I could help my self but crawl out on the ledge, I love hiking and one of the thrills is about going straight to the edge! 

Photo taken by Henriette Harmon (Denmark)
March 17, 2021

The Rainbow Before a Downpour

This rainbow popped out of a rainstorm moving our way while on a hike. Racing against time to get the shot before I got drenched, I was able to capture this moment using Kodak Portra 160 film. 

Photo taken by Shaw Newsom (United States)
March 18, 2021


Meeting a niece for the first time. 

Photo taken by Marcus Crumbley (United States)
March 19, 2021

You obviously needed a break human

When I stand up just to make breakfast my cat take it all ?

Photo taken by boemiliabe (Poland)
March 20, 2021

Married In the Forrest

We met when I took a gap year in college and knew we wanted to be together. As I finished school and we were making our plans, COVID hit, so we didn’t see each other for 1 year and 8 months. It was really hard, but worth the wait! On December 14th, 2020, after one of the worst years ever, we got married and captured the beauty of our day in the Mabira Forrest in Jinja, Uganda. 

Photo taken by Julie Ranee (Uganda)
March 21, 2021

Be Your Own Date

It was born from the idea that you do not occupy anyone else, but your self.

Photo taken by Jesus Uresti (Mexico)
March 22, 2021


A minute to reflect after a long day’s hike in the Coast Mountains of Canada. There’s nowhere else with lakes quite so turquoise from the glacial silt! Panorama Ridge, B.C. 

Photo taken by Christie Fitzpatrick (Canada)
March 23, 2021


On a windy day.

Photo taken by Shuhei Yoshida (Japan)
March 24, 2021


Capturing skateboarders on TMAX film.

Photo taken by Matthias Welker (Germany)
Wintermood - Unterwegs im Odenwald.
January 24, 2021
Father and Son Precious Moments
January 25, 2021
always golfing
January 26, 2021
Raced Up The Mountain
January 27, 2021
Take Me to the Mountains
January 28, 2021
Buck in a dressing gown after his shower!
January 29, 2021
Milo et Julien. Saint-Ybars. Janvier 2021.
January 30, 2021
(A)nother cold day on the beach, 2019
January 31, 2021
Winter Wonderland
February 1, 2021
The Love Hug
February 2, 2021
Sissy by the lake
February 3, 2021
February 4, 2021
Gib me another breakfast or da choklit gets it ???
February 5, 2021
February 6, 2021
Amore d’altri tempi
February 7, 2021
"Take the adventure"
February 8, 2021
Lovers delight
February 9, 2021
A warm moment.
February 10, 2021
You’re kinda,sorta,basically,pretty much,always on my mind ?
February 11, 2021
Happiness Is...
February 12, 2021
Always Together
February 13, 2021
J’ai dansé sous les nuages Je suis perdue, la nuit, sans ton amour
February 14, 2021
Bro & Sis under the snow
February 15, 2021
So lucky ??
February 16, 2021
street musician slash tate gallery
February 17, 2021
Stone Mountain State Park
February 18, 2021
The cat that turned me into a cat person!
February 19, 2021
Live Life Intentionally
February 20, 2021
It’s a Girl!
February 21, 2021
February 22, 2021
Coast life
February 23, 2021
Whose hands are clean?
February 24, 2021
L’enfant en hiver
February 25, 2021
Dog wrapped in blanket
February 26, 2021
Tasmania, Australia
February 27, 2021
February 28, 2021
March 1, 2021
March 2, 2021
How I long for yesterday under the stars on Brighton Beach
March 3, 2021
Inner Child
March 4, 2021
Why so serious?
March 5, 2021
March 6, 2021
Bask in the Beauty
March 7, 2021
Leyla Forozzan-Far
March 8, 2021
Montana celebrating Black History Month
March 9, 2021
Beach days on film
March 10, 2021
Strange Trails
March 11, 2021
March 12, 2021
March 13, 2021
Doesn’t get much better than sunsets & puppies
March 14, 2021
March 15, 2021
1060m high table mountain hike in Cape Town
March 16, 2021
The Rainbow Before a Downpour
March 17, 2021
March 18, 2021
You obviously needed a break human
March 19, 2021
Married In the Forrest
March 20, 2021
Be Your Own Date
March 21, 2021
March 22, 2021
March 23, 2021
March 24, 2021