October 25, 2020

Bucky and Pumpkin

October 24, 2020

Perfect pictures don’t exist but perfect moments do.

October 23, 2020

I’m Batty For You!

October 22, 2020


October 21, 2020

Our first pumpkin patch of the season

October 20, 2020

Someone is pumped for all things fall

October 19, 2020

Fall is almost here

October 18, 2020

Let’s go wait out in the fields with the ones we love

October 17, 2020

The coal cart

October 16, 2020

Fall Haul

October 15, 2020

Time flies

October 14, 2020

King of The Castle

October 13, 2020

Daddy's Girl

October 12, 2020

Slice,Slice Baby

October 11, 2020

Father and his Princess

October 10, 2020


October 9, 2020

Happy happy boy

October 8, 2020

NYC First Week of Covid

October 7, 2020

First Rays of Autumn

October 6, 2020

Mean Muggin

October 5, 2020


October 4, 2020

1000 Steps

October 3, 2020

Gita a cielo aperto ?

October 2, 2020

Henry and Jack